As I was browsing through the other day I came across a fantastic article aptly named FINDATION.  As soon as I read about a website that can match your current foundation to numerous brands, solely based on foundations that you already own and know are the right shade for your skin tone, I was hooked and had to find out more! is GENIUS!!

I cannot count the number of times I have been frustrated by buying the wrong colour foundation.  Sure, in the tiny mirrors and bad lighting of a store, its easy to be fooled into thinking you have the right shade of foundation, but head my warning – you will never get the correct foundation match in unnatural lighting, ever!  There have been many occasions where I’ve tried foundation on my jaw line, nose, back of hand, wrist, cheek (need I go on – basically I looked ridiculous in several streaks of colour), thought I’d chosen the correct shade and then hit the natural light of day only to realise that it is in no way, shape or form, the right colour at all!

Then there’s the brands that you’d love to buy, but can only get online and thus have no idea what shade to even start to contemplate as your match as you can’t colour swatch foundation online now can you?!  StrawberryNet has an amazing array of foundation brands that you can’t normally get your hands on in NZ and at incredibly affordable prices, however, it’s not exactly saving money when you buy a foundation that is completely the wrong colour for you with.  Enter……..

It’s so simple and from my experience with Findation, pretty damn accurate!  You basically enter the site, it asks you to input 3 or 4 brands you have used or are using currently (even including BB Creams) that you are happy with.  It will then bring up all the varieties within that brand along with all the shades within that tier and you hit the ‘Find My Matches’ button.  In about 2 seconds you are presented with an amazing array of all the foundation brands and shades that match you skin tone without even leaving your computer (or entering a badly lit store)!

Head along and check it out.  I loved it and thought you might too

Ange x






Author Gurlinterrupted

Fashion Beauty Lifestyle Blogger A Girl Interrupted By Fashion, Beauty & Anything Pretty That Catches My Eye. Editor Angie Fredatovich. The Miscellaneous Musings Of A Girl Interrupted By Fashion, Beauty & Anything Pretty That Catches My Eye. I am passionately in love with the colour green!! I've always loved green, even as a child. My mother said this would wane as I got older. it did not!! I love nothing more than having the mundane interrupted by all things beautiful and fashionable. Passing time in tiny cafes with a pot of tea and a pile of magazines. Sitting under a tree with my favourite book or ‘old-school’ journal jotting down blogging ideas. Taking photographs of beautiful things, sitting front row at Fashion Week. Giant bunches of fragrant flowers, burning Ecoya candles, vintage jewellery. Trawling antique shops and markets for antique books, writing slopes and jewellery boxes. Hibernating indoors by the fire during winter, laying on freshly mowed grass eating pastries and sipping on raspberry lemonade during summer. The red sole of louboutins, exciting parcels arriving at the door with forgotten online purchases or product samples. Unwrapping the tissue of ‘just bought’ items of clothing from my favourite stores, Marc Jacobs, Karen Walker, Storm, Decjuba, Glassons, Loumina, Country Road, Bobbi Brown, MAC, oh the list goes on… Please do write to me at any time with comments, invites, press notes, media releases, things you’d like me to try and your own favourite finds. There’s nothing I love more than to connect with fellow Beauty Gurus & Fashionistas alike. You can reach me at Ange xx

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